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What is the Volunteens Program?

As part of our service to teens, the Fayette County Memorial Library provides teens the opportunity to earn community service hours through volunteer work. Allowing teens the opportunity to volunteer is mutually beneficial to the teen and the library.


Volunteering gives teens the opportunity to acquire a number of the 40 Developmental Assets (, which research has demonstrated helps prevent teens from engaging in high risk behaviors. Additionally, teen volunteers help the library accomplish many basic tasks and engage in successful library programming.


Who can participate?

Teens ages 13-18 who can commit 2-6 hours a week are encouraged to apply to become a Volunteen. The Library will not accept volunteers who are required to do court-ordered community service.


How do I participate?

Fill out a Volunteen application and return to FCML's front desk. Prior to being accepted as a Volunteen, applicants will interview with the Volunteen coordinator. 




The use of individual teen volunteers is at the discretion of the Library and FCML reserves the right to reject teen volunteer applications and/or terminate the services of the teen volunteer at any time. 

Applications will be kept on file for one year.




Example Volunteen Duties

  • Help prepare office supplies​

  • Assist in children’s programming

  • Read shelves

  • Sorting and shelving of library materials
    General cleaning​

  • Assisting during Summer Reading Programs (a separate duties list will be provided at the beginning of each summer)


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Fayette County Memorial Library

326 Temple Avenue N

Fayette, AL 35555

(205) 932-6625


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